Robert Pattinson intervju med Joy Magazine

Robert Pattinson gjorde nyss en intervju hos tidningen Joy Magaznine. Jag hoppas det är lungt att den är på engelska, orkar inte sätta mig ner och översätta. Längst ner på intervjun berättar han om hans kommande project, filmen Unbound Cap­tives, som ska spelas in i New Mexico. Så hörrni, är det någon som följer med mig ner till Mexico nästa år? Haha... Men kul att det går så bra för honom, i´m so proud  :)

The man with the magic stare is and will be Hollywood’s hottest vam­pire. Robert Pat­tin­son sat down with JOY author Frances Schoen­berger and talked about the Twi­light sequel, co-star kris­ten Stew­art — and his secret fears.

Robert Pat­tin­son slips through a hid­den entry into the Four Sea­sons Hotel in Bev­erly Hills and greets me with a shy ‘hello’. Plaid shirt, black leather jacket and sport­ing stub­ble: the 6ft tall Brit seems more like a casual bohemian rather than the most wanted celebrity. I have the feel­ing he doesn’t like the spot­light on him­self: His eyes keep wan­der­ing to the floor. How­ever, it’s exactly that, his vul­ner­a­bil­ity and inse­cu­rity that sum up his incred­i­ble charisma.

JOY: When I met you last year you were still a new­comer to this busi­ness. Despite your break­through career you don’t seem to have changed. You still appear down-to-earth, show­ing up to an inter­view by your­self. Do you pass on an entourage?


Robert: Hav­ing lots of peo­ple sur­round­ing me per­ma­nently makes me ner­vous. I don’t need an assis­tant or a men­tor. The more peo­ple hover over you the more peo­ple will try to tell you what to do. I don’t care about their opin­ions most of the time (laughs). Although I should try not to be too self-deprecating when being inter­viewed and to not put myself down all the time because fans will prob­a­bly think ‘It’s true, he IS an idiot.’ (laughs)

JOY: The first Twi­light movie pitch­forked you on the crest of the wave. How did your every day life change with all the fame?

Robert: Most of the time I don’t even notice being a celebrity because I’m con­stantly work­ing. We started shoot­ing New Moon right after we fin­ished Twi­light and right now we are already work­ing on Eclipse. On the set, it doesn’t mat­ter if I’m famous or not. I get up at 5 in the morn­ing and when I go home at night I’m so tired that I just want to sleep.


JOY: Which part of the fame don’t you like?

Robert: It truly is bizarre, how the press keeps lung­ing at me and how much they find to say about me. That means that I can’t go out as much — I need to hide when needed or lay false trails. I mean, I don’t have issues with peo­ple chat­ting me up on the street but if there is a bunch of girls swamp­ing me, things get out of hand.

JOY: Dakota Fan­ning, who plays the evil vam­pire girl Jane, explains the hype of the female fans as such: ‘Edward is the per­fect man, he is hand­some and has great hair.’ What do you think about that?

RP: If all that mat­ters is being attrac­tive and have great hair, those aren’t tough con­di­tions, I’m not sure if I can live up to them though (laughs).

JOY: What’s the dif­fer­ence between you and Edward?

Robert: I, too, have bad hair days (laughs).

JOY: What was it like to work with Kris­ten Stew­art again? Did your rela­tion­ship evolve even more after work­ing on New Moon?

Robert: I love work­ing with some­one that I really like. She’s been a great co-actor ever since we started shoot­ing Twi­light. Edward’s authen­tic­ity depends on her per­for­mance and vice versa. We chal­lenge each other.

JOY: Would you say it’s eas­ier to fall in love on a movie set?

Robert: Of course we spend a huge amount of time together but that doesn’t mean I fall in love with all my co-stars. That would have meant start­ing a love affair with Javier Bel­tran after shoot­ing Lit­tle Ashes (laughs).

JOY: The female fans are all over the for­bid­den love between Bella and Edward. Do you think there is also a part, male fans can relate to?

Robert: New Moon of all the movies pro­vides the most excit­ing plot: because Edward is so in love with Bella, he is going through per­ma­nent self-doubt, think­ing he’s not good enough for her. That way he destroys the rela­tion­ship. I think every man can relate to that because we can be pretty con­fused when being in love!

JOY: What does your fam­ily in Eng­land think about the Twi­light hype?

Robert: I don’t think they even notice it that much. The other day my mom called to tell me she liked the shirt I was wear­ing in a pic­ture. Up to this point my par­ents have hardly been affected by the paparazzi. They are just really nice peo­ple, a story about them would be rather bor­ing. When my sis­ter vis­ited me in LA the other day she was shocked about how many mag­a­zines had my pic­ture on their covers.

JOY: When was the last time you vis­ited Eng­land?

Robert: Almost a year ago when i was finally off work for 3 days. After that I only saw my par­ents at the New Moon pre­mier but we are plan­ning to cel­e­brate Christ­mas together!

JOY: Back in Lon­don you were the singer in a band called ‘Bad Girls’. Will there be any per­for­mances in the future?

Robert: I am still writ­ing songs and if I hap­pen to have enough time it is a pos­si­bil­ity. Singing used to be a hobby of mine but now there would be a lot of peo­ple lis­ten­ing, or even crit­i­cize me. That scares me!

JOY: What is your next project?

Robert: Next year I will be in New Mex­ico, shoot­ing a west­ern movie called Unbound Cap­tives, together with Hugh Jack­man. This role will be so far off from the role of Edward, noone will be able to com­pare them. My dad is really look­ing for­ward to that movie. He is bet­ter with horses than with vam­pires (laughs).


Ny intervju med Nikki Reed

Den första december var Nikki Reed (Rosalie) med på Jimmy Kimmel Live. Hon berättar mycket man inte visste om henne och om hennes första film "Tretton". Vilket är en film man borde se om man inte redan sett den, den är faktiskt riktigt bra!



Ashley Greene på Regis and Kelly

Igår gästade Ashley Greene på tv programmet Regis and Kelly. Hon berättar bl.a om vad hon gjorde innan Twilight och om hennes karaktär (Alice).



Melissa Rosenberg avslöjar scener i Eclipse!

För någon vecka sen hade TV´s Hollywood Crush en intervju med twilight sagans screen-writer Melissa Rosenberg, hon berättar om vissa scener som kommer vara med i Eclipse:

 ”En av dom bra sakerna med Eclipse är att Stephanie Meyer skriver om någras bakgrunder, hur varulvarna skapades, hur blev Rosalie vampyr och varför, och hur blev Jasper vampyr? Det var roligt att skriva dom scenerna och se dom bli levande i Eclipse, dom kommer nog få många att förstå mer vilka karaktärerna i fråga är.

Som många Twilight fans redan vet så kommer triangeldramat ifrån New Moon hettas upp ännu mer nu i Eclipse och även fighten mellan varulvarna och vampyrerna. Det kommer definitivt att bli mer action i Eclipse om man jämför med Twilight och New Moon och jag tror att killar kommer att uppskatta filmen mer än vad dom gjort med Twilight och New Moon. 

I boken tänker Bella sig hur det skulle vara om Edward friade till henne på hans tid, och jag tyckte att det skulle vara roligt att se hur det skulle se ut också, hur Edward såg ut på den tiden och sånt. Vi filmade den scenen med det är inte säkert att den kommer med, med det hoppas jag.”


Bliss intervju med Robert Pattinson

Här kommer en små rolig intervju som Bliss gjorde med Rob. Det är faktiskt den första intervjun jag har sett där han "går in i rollen som Edward" och svarar på frågorna väldigt serisöst! Han berättar även lite om hans kommande film, Remeber MeeObservera att den inte har kommit ut i Sverige än, utan jag beställde hem en tidning från USA där den fanns. Om ni ser några stavfel, säg till! Jag har suttit och skrivit av en hel artikel så.. Här är den i alla fall:

We are beyond excited. And that´s because we get to ask Rob Pattinson, one of the hottest guys on the planet, any question we like. That is, so long as we can keep taking deep breaths and not pass out. Eek! Here goes...

So, how does it feel to be lusted after by practially the entire world?
"I don´t feel I´m sexy at all."


Whaaaat? Don´t you own a mirror?
"Really, I´ve never thought like that. It´s not as if I´ve had loads of 'good-looking guy' roles! Edward Cullen is the only one, so it can´t be true of me!"

Trust us, it is! Think about all the millions of fans you have who are desperate to meet you...
"But if one of them came up to talk to me, after about five minutes the illusion would disappear. It doesn´t make any difference if you are seen or not seen, or that people are saying things like that about me."

It must be hard to get your head around it all
"People hold on to a fiction because they want to, so it doesn´t matter what you do. Unless you deliberately get rid of fans, people are going to form these fantasues."

Hmm, you´ve got a point - Edward is a fictional character, after all. How did it feel returing for New Moon - was it like visiting an old friend?
"Kind of. I tried to keep the performance relatively similar. I went up a month before the others, but I was surprised how relaxed and easy it was to get into it this time.I'd always connected more to the second book more than the first one. I understood the story a lot more and the emotions in it - I could connect to in real life as well."

How was it different to the first film?
"It was actually kind of relaxing doing this one. It was difficult in the first film to portray the profundity of finding love when you´re completely fossilised and then, suddenly, you´re feeling everything. It stressed me out. In the second film, he can feel that he is making the wrong decision but he does it anyway."

That´s typical of boys!

"Isn´t it? You do feel that a lot as a guy in relationships, and I felt i knew how to do that. In New Moon, he can see he´s making a bad choice, the audience can see it, Bella can see it, everybody can see it, but he´s compelled to mess it up. The way I see the story, from Edward´s point of view anyway, is that it´s about commitment and finding someone you love, and then not knowing it. People can relate to it a lot more than you realise."

Do you think it´s a more realistic story than Twilight?
"When people first read it, they thinks it´s a fantasy story, but I´ve never ever seen it like that at all. I don´t even see Edward as a vampire. He thinks about things in a very realistic way, he thinks he´s doing the right thing."

Edward is such an iconic character. Do you worry about getting typecast?
"A little, mabye, but it hasn´t affected me so far. The only good thing about the economy being so bad is that I can be, like, 'Whether you think I´m right for the role or not, I can get your movie made!' which is great. And if someone makes a film targeted at guys, with my presence wich might attract girls, that´s a good thing, too. I don´t think many guys know who I am anyway, so it won´t affect them."

Hmm, we´re pretty sure the whole world knows who you are by now! Do you reckon you could be tempted by the prospect of eternal life?
"No. My great aunt is about 96 and she´s a very funny woman. Every time I see her, she says 'When you next come to see me, could you bring some poison?' I wouldn´t want to live for ever under any circumstances."

Do your mates tease you about all the attention you´re getting?
"Not really. I hang out with people I´ve grown up with and a lot of them are musicians. Actually, I worked a bit with them on the soundtrack. It´s so funny what´s happened with them, just from having their name on a Twilight soundtrack. They´ve been doing sell-out gigs in the US, which they´re good enough to do anyway."

The Twilight association sounds like pretty powerful stuff...
"That is the only power aspect I´ve seen as being a posetive thing. A friend of mine is doing a gig at Whisky A Go Go in LA. He´s unsigned, just advertised on his MySpace page, and the tickets sold out quicker than any gig at the place ever - within an hour."

Did you expect it to be this crazy?
"Twilight was a strange thing, I never really knew what it was that I was getting into."

You´re working solidly this year, right, following New Moon with Eclipse and a couple of other projects?
"Yeah, I´m working without a day off for a year now - it´s all really varied, personal stuff. I´m not making career choices or doing any massive movies. I´m filming Remember Me this summer. My character, Tyler, is halfway between being cynical about his emotions, and getting to the age where you can be authentically earnest and not question it all. That´s a very adolescent thing in guys. It´s treading that line."

Are you going to play Frank Sinatra?
"I want to, but so does everyone! Anyway, I´m a bit too young. I can sing, but I can´t do his voice. I did play a real-life person with Salvador Dali (in Little Ashes), but I didn´t try to play him exactly. I just tried to do some of his mannerisms. There was some kind of essence that I connected to - I read a lot of stuff that he wrote and I just liked it. I would have liked to have been friends with him."
