Tjej får fängelse för att ha filmat 3 minuter av New Moon...

Samantha Tumpach hade ordnat en överraskningfest för sin syster, där dom skulle gå och se New Moon på bio. Inne i biosalen filmade hon på sin syster och komisarna, och fick med 3 minuter av New Moon. Som ni kan läsa nedan ska hon få 3 års fängelse straff...


A birthday party that included a trip to see ”The Twilight Saga: New Moon” could send 22 year old Samantha Tumpach to prison for three years.
Samantha Tumpach from Chicago Illinois, captured 3 minutes of the film on her video camera why taping part of her sisters surprise birthday party.
The managers at the theater contacted the police and Tumpach was arrested. She spent two days in jail and now has felony charges to face for illegally copying a movie.
There is a zero tolerance policy that prohibits video or audio recording of any portion of a movie. The motion picture industry has encouraged this.
She only recorded a small portion for a birthday video, but it’s up to local police to determine what happens from this point forward.
I really don’t know where I stand on this. I for one believe that piracy is very wrong and people should be punished for it. However with something like this I don’t think she deserves 3 years in prison either. She’s not going to sell the video or anything like that. So it’s up to the law to figure out where to go from here now.

Vad tycker ni om detta? Är det rätt straff? Själv tycker jag inte att detta är värt något straff alls.. Om hon filmade på sin syster och råkade få med lite av filmen, ska hon få fängelse för de? Jag hoppas att det löser sig för henne i alla fal...



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