Ny intervju med Kristen
För någon dag sen hade Kristen en intervju med MTV Radio i USA. Här berättar hon lite om Chris Weits, vad hon tycker om alla rykten som kretsar runt henne och den nya Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard):
How du you feel abuot the new director of New Moon, Chris Wetis, was it more different than working with Katherine Hardwike in Twilight?
Chris did a verry different thing that i´ve never had a director to do. He put together syllabus of what we were supposed to achieve and how he was going to make it easier for everyone - a sort of a introdution of how he likes to work. It not only introdused the idea of collaboration but said: "Please everyone love it and be invested and work hard." It was verry encouraging. It had technical aspects of (the shoot) - How he was sorry that so much of the movie was going to be CGI stuff that we would have to react to - but we was going to always make us awars of what we were acting with and never leave us high and dry like a lot of effect movies do, because you don´t know that youré reacting to. It was full rundown of how he was planned to making the movie. Most directors are like: "Have you put together notes for our meeting?" And it´s like: "No. That´s your job." And it was verry good working with him, he did a verry good version of New Moon, i think.
How was it working with Bryce Dallas Howard, the new Victoria?
It was really good. Bryce is scary, and she is really oddly sweet as well. So i´ts verry wierd to see her switch back and forth. Victoria, for Bella is an ever-present fear - even when Victoria is´nt around, she´s scared that she is comming back. Bryce is such a good actress, and it was easy to be scared of her.
Youré like a world famous actress now, and pepole talks about you everywere. You know, it writes about you in the magazines and rumors is around you all the time. Have you got used to all the falce facts, or are you trying to run for your life?
I´ve gotten more comfortable with it. And the whole rumor stuff it´s just so obviously falce to me, even before i came a part of it. Once i was sort of the star of that, it´s like a show; it´s like a ridicuolus show, with falce realism, like a soap opera that seemes real, but you´re not quite sure. It dosent bother me; i don´t take it personally.
How du you feel abuot the new director of New Moon, Chris Wetis, was it more different than working with Katherine Hardwike in Twilight?
Chris did a verry different thing that i´ve never had a director to do. He put together syllabus of what we were supposed to achieve and how he was going to make it easier for everyone - a sort of a introdution of how he likes to work. It not only introdused the idea of collaboration but said: "Please everyone love it and be invested and work hard." It was verry encouraging. It had technical aspects of (the shoot) - How he was sorry that so much of the movie was going to be CGI stuff that we would have to react to - but we was going to always make us awars of what we were acting with and never leave us high and dry like a lot of effect movies do, because you don´t know that youré reacting to. It was full rundown of how he was planned to making the movie. Most directors are like: "Have you put together notes for our meeting?" And it´s like: "No. That´s your job." And it was verry good working with him, he did a verry good version of New Moon, i think.
How was it working with Bryce Dallas Howard, the new Victoria?
It was really good. Bryce is scary, and she is really oddly sweet as well. So i´ts verry wierd to see her switch back and forth. Victoria, for Bella is an ever-present fear - even when Victoria is´nt around, she´s scared that she is comming back. Bryce is such a good actress, and it was easy to be scared of her.
Youré like a world famous actress now, and pepole talks about you everywere. You know, it writes about you in the magazines and rumors is around you all the time. Have you got used to all the falce facts, or are you trying to run for your life?
I´ve gotten more comfortable with it. And the whole rumor stuff it´s just so obviously falce to me, even before i came a part of it. Once i was sort of the star of that, it´s like a show; it´s like a ridicuolus show, with falce realism, like a soap opera that seemes real, but you´re not quite sure. It dosent bother me; i don´t take it personally.