Chaske Spencer talar ut
Det har ryktats ett tag att Chaske Spencer, som spelar Sam, har varit inlagd på rehab pga drogproblem. Själv har jag bara hört små saker, men nu har han tydligen berättat hur det ligger till... Detta är taget från hans officiella sida:

"To all the wonderful, incredibly loyal fans:
For those of you that read that I was in rehab, I wanted to make sure you heard the truth from me directly. Yes it is true, that I was in rehab, however it was over 19 months ago, long before NEW MOON was even on my radar. It was a pivotal time in my life where I was lucky enough to have supportive friends and family to help me get healthy. I am grateful that I have been clean and sober now for 19 months and cannot imagine my life if I had continued using drugs and alcohol. Almost everything else that was written about this is blatantly false and we are exploring our legal options. That was my past, and I am thankful that I had the opportunity to create a new future for myself. I encourage anyone who is in a similar place to seek support from their friends and family and know that without them, I would not have had the chance to be where I am now.
I want to thank all of you for the support you have shown, and continue to show. I appreciate each and every one of you.
Jag tycker att det är sjukt modigt av honom att erkänna detta, speciellt nu när New Moon har blivit så stort och flera hundra tusen männiksor vet vem han är! But he did it, so cred to him!

"To all the wonderful, incredibly loyal fans:
For those of you that read that I was in rehab, I wanted to make sure you heard the truth from me directly. Yes it is true, that I was in rehab, however it was over 19 months ago, long before NEW MOON was even on my radar. It was a pivotal time in my life where I was lucky enough to have supportive friends and family to help me get healthy. I am grateful that I have been clean and sober now for 19 months and cannot imagine my life if I had continued using drugs and alcohol. Almost everything else that was written about this is blatantly false and we are exploring our legal options. That was my past, and I am thankful that I had the opportunity to create a new future for myself. I encourage anyone who is in a similar place to seek support from their friends and family and know that without them, I would not have had the chance to be where I am now.
I want to thank all of you for the support you have shown, and continue to show. I appreciate each and every one of you.
Jag tycker att det är sjukt modigt av honom att erkänna detta, speciellt nu när New Moon har blivit så stort och flera hundra tusen männiksor vet vem han är! But he did it, so cred to him!
Postat av: Bellz
Sv: Ja det är verkligen bra att han vågar berätta det. Som sagt det är ju många som vet vem han är nu efter New Moon!